2025 EVOLVE Express Programs

Healthy Lifestyle & Weight Loss Strategies for Success
Open to Forward Focus patients and to Chicago’s North Shore community
Are you looking to...
- Achieve the best version of yourself?
- Lose weight with or without weight loss medications?
- Increase mobility, reduce aches & pains?
- Manage diabetes more effectively?
- Lower your blood pressure?
- Get better sleep & feel healthier?
If your answer is YES to one or more of these above questions, our EVOLVE Express Programs are for you. These Programs are led by a Provider Team made up of a Registered Nurse, a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist-Mindful Eating Specialist, an Internist/Obesity Specialist, and a Physical Therapist/Fitness Consultant.
EVOLVE Express I: Recipe to Create a Healthy Lifestyle/Weight Loss Plan (10 weeks)

- Medically focused, multi-disciplinary, and hands-on approach seeking to build participant knowledge, motivation, and accountability to help obtain optimal health.
- Individualized assessment, instruction, and tracking across the full length of the Program.
- Group support – 10 weeks of weekly group sessions.
- Group sessions will include celebrations for progress, troubleshooting challenges, weekly individual goal setting, educational topics pertaining to food, behavior modification, emotional eating, exercise, and more.
- Email access to Provider Team Members.
- Open communication between your Provider Team Members and your physician.
- Access to closed social media or text support community (optional).
- Strategies for post-program sustainability.
Registration Deadline:
April 29, Intakes Begin: May 1, First of 10 Weekly Group Sessions: June 5 (5:15 to 6:45 pm)
Forward Focus Concierge Medicine Medical Suite
EVOLVE Express II: How to Sustain a Healthy Lifestyle/Weight Loss Plan While Having Fun (4 weeks)

Provider Team Members will lead you through a number of fun activities in “real-time” exploring the following:
- Restaurant Success with your Favorites
- Move While You Cook
- Nature Walk
- Hidden Treasures in the Grocery Store
- And More
Registration Deadline:
August 14, First of 4 Bi-Weekly Group Sessions: August 28 (5:15 to 6:45 pm)
A variety of locations on the North Shore
For more information on the programs, including registration and associated fees, contact Marti at 847-204-5600 or mgreenberg@forwardfocusmed.com. Limited availability. First come, first selected.
Our Providers are:
- Alina Elepirin, MD, FACP, Diplomate. ABOM – Forward Focus Concierge Medicine, forwardfocusmed.com
- Kate Manley, RN, BSN – Forward Focus Concierge Medicine, forwardfocusmed.com
- Sheryl Gray, MS, RDN, LDN – Professional Nutrition Services, professionalnutritionservices.com
- Bret Greenberg, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT – Locstep Concierge Wellness, locstepconciergewellness.com