Wellness Programs: Engage ● Aspire ● Evolve

Forward Focus Wellness Programs

At Forward Focus, we have broadened our patient's healthcare experience by bringing in trusted leaders from diverse disciplines to provide the highest quality of preventative care. You’ll find a variety of complementary wellness services within our expansive office suite that contribute to overall good health. Our patients appreciate the convenience of seeing wellness providers within our office, but more importantly, they benefit from the collaborative approach to care and immediate communication that occurs when your doctor is literally across the hall. Our doctors share relevant medical information and discuss treatment plans, ensuring that you are receiving the optimal mix of services for your best health. 

For more information about all of our offerings contact Marti at mgreenberg@forwardfocusmed.com


Women’s Health Series

April 23 - 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm CST Webinar

We are pleased to announce Part 3 of our Women’s Health Webinar Series. Our next session is scheduled for Wednesday, April 23, with Dr. Sharon Berliant as host and Dr. Heather B. Heibergeras as our presenter. Dr. Heiberger will discuss critical screenings every woman needs, the latest guidelines for cervical and breast cancer screenings, bone health and how to prevent fractures as we age, and the importance of monitoring abnormal bleeding patterns.

For more information, Click Here. To register, contact Marti at mgreenberg@forwardfocusmed.com

Dr. Heather B. Heiberger


Book Discussion Webinar

Book Discussion 

“Good Energy” by Casey Means, MD with Dr. Gary Schaffel

January 22 – 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm CST Webinar

Women’s Health Series Webinar

Women’s Health Series 

Dr. Lane Phillips – February 26 
Dr. Suzi Siegel – March 26 
Dr. Heather Heiberger – April 23 

5:30 pm to 6:30 pm CST Webinar

Walking Club

Walking Club

Lake Forest - every Wednesday (weather permitting)
May 7 thru September 24 – 8:00 am to 8:45 am

Northfield - every Thursday (weather permitting)
May 1 thru September 25 – 8:00 am to 8:45 am

EVOLVE Express I Program

EVOLVE Express I Program (in-person)

Recipe to CREATE a Health Lifestyle/Weight Loss Plan
Alina Elepirin, MD, Kate Manley, RN, Sheryl Gray, MS, and Bret Greenberg, DPT

Every Thursday for 10 weeks – June 5 thru August 7 –
5:15 pm to 6:45 pm

Nutrition Summer Sampler Lunch & Learn Series (in-person)

Nutrition Summer Sampler Lunch & Learn Series (in-person)

With Sheryl Gray, MS, RDN, LDN
June 11
July 16
August 20

Noon to 1:00 pm

EVOLVE Express II Program

EVOLVE Express II Program (in-person)

How to SUSTAIN a Healthy Lifestyle/Weight Loss Plan
Alina Elepirin, MD, Kate Manley, RN, Sheryl Gray, MS, and Bret Greenberg, DPT

Every other Thursday for 4 weeks – August 28 thru October 9 –
5:15 pm to 6:45 pm

Cancer Healing Webinar

Cancer Healing 

With Dr. Jennifer Ron

October 15 - 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm CST Webinar

Hospice Webinar


With Dr. Martha Twaddle and Rabbi Steve Lowenstein

November 5 – 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm CST Webinar

For more information contact Program Coordinator, Marti, at mgreenberg@forwardfocusmed.com.